So you are a retailer in the firearms, knife or outdoors industries and you have a solid ecommerce platform you are happy with? (If no click here) Only problem is you have spent thousands of dollars getting everything to look nice but for some reason, no one is coming to your website to buy anything.
Surely you have heard of the old saying if you build it they will come? Let us set the record straight this saying is a load of bunk. Especially in the world of online retailing where you are competing with literally tens of thousands of others online in the same industry. As it stands there are over 80,000 who have an FFL license according to the ATF and on average 500 entering the market every month. How will you set yourself out in a crowd? Most of these prospect retailers have fallen for the same adage also and many are sitting back scratching their heads and mourning their wallets.
Many have come to the conclusion they are going to have to be proactive and work at driving people their direction. They have already completed the online part (or so they thought) and now they turn their attention to other media outlets like radio, television and print. Thousands of more dollars later they realize these media outlets have very little effect in today’s world due to fragmentation.
Still scratching their heads many now are not only mourning their wallet but mourning the decision they have made in the first place about entering the industry altogether. Some are thinking it is time to liquidate. If this is you click here. Others are deciding maybe staying small and local is not such a bad idea. If you do not like either of these options then you have come to the right place.
The simple fact that you are reading this you have now gained a competitive advantage.
Understanding how to best target customers and how to get your product in front of highly targeted buyers is a challenge, to say the least.
WeaponSeeker is here to help.
At WeaponSeeker we understand finding the right customers at an affordable rate is critical to success.
At WeaponSeeker we offer an easy and affordable option of getting your products seen, expanding your brand, growing a loyal customer base and helping you manage the logistics necessary to find success.
The first step in this process is to get your inventory listed with us. Why us? Because we understand how to get great ranks in the search engines, which is critical to online success. With over 20 years experience in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) learned directly from the founders of Google Sergey Brin and Larry Page we know exactly what it takes to be found, get great ranks and promote a thriving online ecommerce business. We don’t just talk the talk, our ranks prove it.
Why list with us? Because we offer a FREE 30-day trial. No give us your credit card info so we can charge you later. Don’t see the results no worries no loss, just go your own way in 30 days and take all the valuable knowledge you gain in the meantime with you.
Like our service. Great! We can set you up at the end of the 30 days on a subscription service to continue to list your inventory and reap the benefits we provide. Whether you choose to do a month to month option or take advantage of our larger discount options the choice is up to you.
Stop letting the giants push you around. It is time to level the playing field.