As a retailer, you have probably already realized just how hard it is to go online. Sure setting up a dinky web presence to let the world know of your business is easy enough. Establishing a high quality looking brand, optimizing it for good ranks in Google and other search engines, making it dynamic and actually selling online, however, is a whole different ball game.
+ Are you aware that there are over 200 different variables that Google looks at when determining how to rank your website?
+ Do you know that over half of internet searches are now done on mobile devices and that just because you are online does not mean you are mobile accessible?
+ Have you noticed that there are literally no other out of the box solutions for ecommerce that address the unique needs of the firearms industry?
+ Can you handle the technology demands in-house that it takes to develop, maintain and grow a stable and uniquely branded web presence?
If you are like 99% of retailers in the Firearms and Outdoors industries then the answer is likely NO to all the above.
So do you just give up on the idea and settle for a small presence and less than optimal sales?
At WeaponSeeker we offer a uniquely catered ecommerce platform that makes getting started easy, we offer hosting solutions that make growing affordable and we have a level of experience in required technologies unmatched in the industry.
Stop letting the giants push you around. It is time to level the playing field.